Shamsi Tabriz

B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m

Location: Lumberton, New Jersey, United States

The Words I Wish I Had written! " While I was a Sophomore in college, I wrote in my diary: ' I develop my views from the existing pool of knowledge and I will adopt my views when I learn more. The only permanenet view that I have is that there is a God. My views are based on the basic fundamental law of Nature and Physics that I am now aware of. As man learns more about his environment I will change my theory to accomodate new knowledge. Religion should be dynamic and change and always advance, not in a state of stagnation.( Temple Grandin) "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."(Margaret Mead) "Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." (Jim Rohn) "Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves. (Dale Carnegie)

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sayings of Shamsi Tabriz

Special Position of Ali Bin Abi Talib on The Day of Judgement

He (Ali ) said to the Prophet: “0 Messenger of God, you send everybody to me, why not to other companions?” (Guft: Ya Rasulullah, hamah beh man havalah me kuni maslehat sahabah ra darin kar?) He said:" Yes, I do this because you are my trustee (amin)and your trustfulness is known to me. These people will be subjected to your authority on the Day of Judgment (Een mardaman ra ruz-i qiyamat dar gardan mi kunem taqlid-i shuma ra). This is known and has been observed. And you know (the mysteries) of the World Beyond and the Day of Judgment and you see them so clear­ly, while the other (companions) do not know about all this, even through acquired knowledge (hearing and reports). For you are not but a unique person-one who is unique in his time- and you should restrain from divulging the secrets (to others), and talk to them only in vague and ambiguous words, except to the person who wishes to be with you alone". The host has laid the table of knowledge. “He is a mercy for the people,” (Quran 21 :107), but he has re­served the most auspicious food for the most auspicious guest. He says to him: "Come back to your Lord....,” (Quran 89:28). You are not the one from whom we should hide this food!
(Maqalat-i Shams )


Blogger AlexDean said...

Dear Nasir,


Many Muslim (and non-Muslim) thinkers have praised Ali ibn Abi Talib and his high position and as you show here, Shams Tabriz too has given him a position of distinction. Shams Tabriz has been described by some as a "Shafi'i". Although I have read some of Rumi’s "Diwan Shams-i-Tabriz", I wouldn’t ever consider myself an expert on this matter. I can, however, say that recounting the high position of the "Ahl al-Bayt" (the Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain) in the hearts of generations of Muslims, whether they be poets and sufis like Rumi, Hafiz, Sa’di, Ibn al-Arabi or "fuqahaa" like Shafi'i or Hanbal or philosophers and historians like al-Farabi and Ibn Khaldun, not to mention the "muhadditheen", would require a book. I'm not too bothered by the question whether Shams Tabriz followed the "Shafi'i fiqh" or not. This is especially so given that when one reads the "Diwan Imam Shafi'i", the person Shams Tabriz is supposed to have followed in fiqh, one sees many verses in praise of the "Ahl al-Bayt". In the OLDER copies of the "Diwan", published I think in Egypt around the late 19th / early 20th century, you have the following verses praising Ali ibn Abi Talib:

Aliyyun, hubbuhul jonnah
qaseem-un-naar wal jannah
wasiyyun* Mustafa haqqan
imam-ul-insi wal jinnah

[Love for Ali is a shield
That separates hell from heaven
Truly he was Mustapha’s "wasi"
He is Imam of men and "jinns"]

{*Calling Ali the "wasi" of Mohammad al-Mustafa, the Prophet, will not be uttered by anyone unless (s)he really believed it. He also emphasises the "imamat" of Ali and how love for him delivers you from wrong and guides you to the right path.}

Curiously this particular eulogy has been "edited out" from nearly ALL recent editions of the "Diwan". Happily though, other verses in praise of and love for the Ahl al-Bayt can still be found. Given that the above verse was considered until late 19th century / early 20th century an integral part of "Diwan Imam Shafi'i" but is no longer found there suggests that the original has been altered. The reason for this has never been explained.

Best regards,

Aqeel M A Imam

7:37 AM  
Blogger Nasir Shamsi said...

Thank you, Aqeel. I have further elaborated on this subject in my my soon to be published book on the life, thought and legacy of Shams-i Tabrizi, iA.

5:20 AM  

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