Shamsi Tabriz

B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m

Location: Lumberton, New Jersey, United States

The Words I Wish I Had written! " While I was a Sophomore in college, I wrote in my diary: ' I develop my views from the existing pool of knowledge and I will adopt my views when I learn more. The only permanenet view that I have is that there is a God. My views are based on the basic fundamental law of Nature and Physics that I am now aware of. As man learns more about his environment I will change my theory to accomodate new knowledge. Religion should be dynamic and change and always advance, not in a state of stagnation.( Temple Grandin) "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."(Margaret Mead) "Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." (Jim Rohn) "Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves. (Dale Carnegie)

Friday, December 29, 2006


" The purpose of all religion is to empower the truth, which exists independently of human beings but requires religion in order to be translated into principles of compassionate justice. The search for truth at the higher esoteric level is known in Jafari (Shi'a) thought as 'ilm al taqwa (knowledge of the One through love), and the search to make it manifest at the exoteric or outward level is known as 'ilm al 'adl (knowledge of balance and justice through the coherence of diversity known as tawhid) These pursuits have ultimate meaning only as they fulfill each other. This is the essence of Islamic thought and of every world religion, as well as of the classical thought of the Founders that gave rise to the Great American Experiment. All else is commentary."
--Dr. Robert D. Crane, December 29, 2006

"The issue of spiritual inheritance is part of the larger subject of intermediary guidance. Islam among all the world religions most emphasizes the personal and direct relationship of every person with God. Yet, ultimate reality becomes manifest only like rays of light emanating outward from the One and diminishing in intensity as it moves outward from the center. Most people live on the periphery or circumference of the circle, not near its center, which is Allah, and will continue to do so until they enter into the presence of Allah at the end of this life. In His Being as Al Rahman and his manifestation as Al Rahim, Allah has always provided guidance to the many through the few, which is what I call intermediary guidance (walaya)."

-Dr. Robert D. Crane, January 17, 2007 (an excerpt from the first epistle received from his refuge in the Blue Mountain aerie in Virginia).

The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

"The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

-courtesy: Ramona, CA, 2007

" To draw a line between oneself and everyone else is tribalism, and is part of the problems in the world. Arrogance is the worst sin in all religions, and the worst social product of arrogance is tribalism. "
-Dr. Robert D. Crane, 2006
posted by Nasir Shamsi



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